Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night… Or maybe that’s just wishful thinking on my part. 🙂 The Burkholder homestead got much crazier in the last several weeks. We three are now we four. 8+ hour nights of sleep are a thing of the past and now we’re thankful for 3-4 hours uninterrupted (which we occasionally get)!
Jeff is still at D&E Communications full-time (stats guy) and Hosanna part-time (artsy/techy guy). He’s insanely busy as usual, since in addition to his job and a half, he’s also doing his online comic strip (Zoidland, and if you haven’t checked it out, go now, we’ll wait until you return…) and has just reached his 200th strip. In the upcoming year, he’s planning a continuing story line for his characters and you won’t want to miss all the drama, suspense, and of course laughter at the insane humor that comes only from the mind of Jeff.
Nean is still working 10 hours a week at Hosanna (artsy/semi-techy/semi-admin) and is full-time mom and failed house-keeper (we all have our weaknesses, right?). She is still enjoying singing on the church’s worship team and scrap booking as her two main creative outlets!
Dante started Preschool this fall at Morning Star M, W, F mornings. He adores his teachers and is making tons of friends. Everywhere he goes, he is a charmer. He’s also started Wednesday evening Pioneer Clubs at church and asks every morning if it’s “Pioneer Day”. He is four years old and loves to learn anything new. He’s teaching himself to read and is constantly asking, “How do you spell…?” He’s quite proud to be the “big brother” but does occassionally inform me that it’s a tough job!
Zoë is the newest addition to our family. She is almost a month old and is still only about 5 1/2 pounds. She is a very happy little one and is normally content to study the world around her. She enjoys snuggling, eating, and sleeping! On the adoption front (since many of you are asking), it will take a few months to finalize the adoption and we’ll keep you posted on the process.
Sabine, our silly little feline, is as cranky as ever. She still prefers Jeff’s company to anyone else’s (and I suppose that is the understatement of the year to any of you who have been hissed/swatted at!)
We’re looking forward to seeing as many of our friends/family as we can this holiday. May you have peace, joy, love, and REST this Christmas season.
Love from all of us here in the Burkholder chaos… er… home!
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