Category: Family Recipes
How to Make Potato Salad and Influence People…
I had volunteered to help out at the Lancaster Art & Craft show at Long’s Park last Sunday afternoon. My friend, Sara, and I shared a shift serving beer and wine. It was a lot of fun and I learned how to properly pull a draft from a keg. That’s right; 34 years old and…
More Fall Feasting
Today, we are experimenting. We started with a recipe I found online for Easy, Cheesy Pumpkin Lasagna, added chicken & apple sausage to the pumpkin mixture, and used pumpkin spice noodles that we had purchased a while ago and didn’t know how to use. It’s in the oven at the moment and we’ll let you…
Fall Feasts
I know I haven’t updated here in… well… ages. I’ve been focused on a lot of other things. The family is doing well for the most part but it’s been a taxing year for us. Promise to try to get pics of the kids up here soon, but with Facebook (and how much easier it…